Kirk Parrott DDS
Dr. Kirk Parrott is a General Dentist in Tampa, FL. He has been in private practice for the last 20 years providing dental care to patients of all ages. He also enjoys volunteering his time and expertise in dentistry at charity events throughout the region.
Dr. Parrott received his Bachelor of Science from Florida State University in Biochemistry. He received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS) from The Ohio State University.
He has a strong working knowledge of dentistry, including orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, periodontics, prosthodontics, and endodontics.
Areas of Expertise
- Dental Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
- Evaluation of Radiographs
- Implant Restoration
- Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers
- Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry
- Comprehensive and Limited Orthodontics
- Simple and Surgical Extractions
- Fixed and Removable Dental Prosthetics
- Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Endodontic Therapy
- Restorative Fillings
Professional Highlights
General Dentist/Owner and sole practitioner for 15+ years at Kirk Parrott DDS – Ruskin, FL
Associate Dentist covering pediatric, general, and orthodontic departments at McIlwain Family Dentistry – Tampa, FL
Medical Accreditation
Doctorate of Dental Surgery in Dental Surgery from The Ohio State University (August 1997-June 2001)
Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry from the Florida State University (June 1994-May 1997)